What does it mean to reach levels of excellence?


Characters: small | medium | big

The world economy, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, is becoming increasingly dissimilar connotations to the paradigm of 900.

Many theorists, experts and economists are agreed that we are in a new economy, the net economy, globalization, localization world, or even McDonaldization.

We are witnessing a kind of institutionalization of the global market. Within the increasingly globalized markets and service oriented businesses, companies struggling to survive. The background in which them carry out their activities, in fact, is complex, obscure and characterized by an increase in competitive pressure and a gradual weakening of sectoral boundaries, which are becoming more porous and tend to converge towards a kind of unique, general area.

Along with that, but in the opposite direction, the analysis assumes an increasingly competitive critical in determining the strategic and competitive choices to be implemented, a substantial difference between the short-term choices and the medium to long term.

The entrepreneur is, therefore, influenced by the level of complexity and turbulence of the entire frame of reference, which, in turn, reflects the process of radical change in the competitive environment typical of today's markets.

The world class manufacturing is no longer static but constantly evolving. The difference between a company of high level and another one ordinary is not in technology but in management and human resources.
The machines do the work routine while people monitor and improve the processes of knowledge management. All this means resource management is required to qualify people to use information and make decisions.

Becomes increasingly important, in terms of survival in the market, to pursue excellence in all business processes, so that they can overcome the direct competitors.

Pursuing excellence means accepting the idea that, to compete successfully, a quality management system is necessary but not sufficient. Should, in fact, combine the actions of constantly improving processes with the innovation of products / services / processes, leveraging the best solutions.

In many areas where we can find the business of public and private organizations, the best way to gain a competitive advantage, sustainable in the long term is to follow two possible strategies: moving towards customer satisfaction, and maximize the expected value to their target by offering a service / product with a better quality compared to competitors and constantly innovate through incremental improvements or breakthroughs.

A recent survey shows that in Italy companies declare themselves in 64% of the cases customer oriented.
Consumer satisfaction is the emotional reaction that leaves a trace in memory and that is good or bad about the product. A customer is satisfied when the perceived value of the exchange made with a company is greater than the expected value. The value is the importance of the benefits received in the exchange and the cost incurred to accomplish the exchange.
We can find it when the perceived quality is greater than the expected quality and the costs incurred are equal to the expected costs.

The main objective of any activity is the customer satisfaction, although in reality it is more appropriate to speak of customer loyalty.

(It will continue next week)

(Translated by Google Translate)

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